Chirurgie urologique


F. Bardari, L. D’Urso, G. Muto
Conservative treatment of iatrogenic urinary fistulae: the value of cyanoacrylic glue
Urology 2001; 58 (6): 1046-8
T. Hanus
Rectourethral fistulas
Int. Brazil J. Urol. Vol. 28 (4): 338-345, July-August 2002
G. Muto, L. D’Urso, E Castelli, A. Formicoli, F. Bardari
Cyanoacrylic glue: a minimally invasive nonsurgical first line approach for the treatment of some urinary fistulas
Journal of urology 2005; 174: 2239-2243
L. Carmignani, P. Acquati, F. Rocco
Case report: Cystoscopic use of cyanoacrylate glue for bleeding during transurethral resection of bladder tumors
J. Of Endourology. Vol. 20, N. 11, November 2006
A. Ayyildiz, B.Nuhoglu, O.Cebeci, M.Caydere, H.Ustun, C.Germiyanoglu
The effect of cyanoacrylic glue on rat rete testis, urethra and spongiosal tissue: an experimental study
The J. of urology, Vol. 175, 1943-1947, May 2006
T.Akgul, A.Ayyildiz, O.Cebeci, B.Nuhoglu, E.Ozer, C.Germiyanoglu, H.Ustun
Effect of cyanoacrylic glue on penile fracture: An experimental study
The Journal of Urology. Vol. 180, 749-752, August 2008
Cesare Selli, Maurizio De Maria, Michele Manica, Filippo Maria Turri and Francesca Manassero
Minimally invasive treatment of urinary fistulas using N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate: a valid first line option
BMC Urology 2013, 13:55
José Antonio Tenza-Tenza*, Jesús Gil-Guijarro, Ingrid Pinzón-Navarrete,Alejandra Mira-Moreno, Antonio Miguel Pelluch-Auladell y Juan José Lobato-Encinas
Cyanoacrylate glues for sealing renal biopsies in bench surgery in kidney transplantation
Dial Traspl. 2013, 34(1):19-22
Tammaro V, Vernillo A, Dumani X, Florio I, Pelosio L, Jamshidi A, Romagnuolo R, Calogero A, Carlomagno N, Santangeloa M, Renda A
Prevention of fluid effusion in kidney transplantation with the use of hemostatic biomaterials
Transplant Proc. 2014 Sep; 46(7):2203-6


Glubran2 comme adhésif pour fixer le lambeau vestibulaire au cours des procédures d’urétroplastie
Glubran2 comme hémostatique et renfort de suture au cours des procédures de cystectomie
Etanchéité suture rénale Glubran 2 pulvérisations dans la chirurgie laparoscopique


Traitement des lymphorrhées post-operatorie
Comme suture dans phimosis, circoncision et frénotomie
Comme adhésif dans urethroplasty
Traitement des fistules urinaires
Hémostase post-cystectomie
Scellage et hémostase sur lacérations et lésions hémorragiques des reins
Scellage des sutures chirurgicales afin d’éviter la fuite urinaire
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