1) Addetto Sales & Marketing

Informazioni sull’offerta di lavoro:

La risorsa sarà inserita all’interno dell’area Medical, Sales & Marketing, operando principalmente a stretto contatto con i dipartimenti di Chirurgia generale, Radiologia Interventistica, Endoscopia Digestiva, Chirurgia Toracica e Urologia presso strutture ospedaliere pubbliche, ed avrà in dettaglio le seguenti responsabilità:

  • curare le attività di presentazione di prodotto attraverso la pianificazione e realizzazione di visite periodiche presso i presidi ospedalieri in affiancamento ai distributori locali o agenti diretti e la proposizione ai propri interlocutori di seminari di approfondimento e dimostrazioni tecnico/pratiche;
  • organizzare meeting di reparto (Medici, Infermieri, Farmacisti) per formazione di base, promozione ed aggiornamento sui prodotti dell’Azienda;
  • rafforzare la relazione con i clienti sul piano tecnico attraverso l’attività di assistenza in sala operatoria;
  • gestire e coltivare le relazioni dell’azienda con i principali Key Opinion Leaders di settore e Key Customer;
  • sviluppare azioni di prospezione commerciale su nuovi clienti al fine di generare opportunità di business in relazione alle specialità chirurgiche ed alla gamma di prodotti assegnati;
  • curare e redigere sales reports periodici a monitoraggio delle azioni intraprese e dei risultati ottenuti in relazione agli obiettivi assegnati;
  • interagire con i dipartimenti marketing, Education e con la direzione scientifica nell’aggiornamento e nella predisposizione di schede tecniche di prodotto a compendio dell’attività commerciale;
  • promuovere e coordinare le attività della forza vendita esterna (Agenti o Distributori) e rafforzare le relazioni con la rete dei dealers autorizzati;
  • collaborare con la direzione commerciale per la stesura dei targ;
  • presenza quotidiana in sala operatoria;
  • tender management

La risorsa ideale è in possesso dei seguenti requisiti:

  • esperienza Professionale: precedente esperienza in ruoli tecnico-commerciali o di Product Specialist in relazione a presidi medicali; costituisce titolo preferenziale una precedente attività a contatto con i dipartimenti di Chirurgia Generale, Radiologia Interventistica, Endoscopia Digestiva, Chirurgia Toracica ed Urologia presso strutture ospedaliere pubbliche;
  • titolo di studi : Preferibilmente Laurea in Economia e Commercio, Marketing e Scienze infermieristiche , verranno valutate anche provenienze da altre discipline;
  • conoscenze Informatiche: Utilizzo evoluto pacchetto Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Outlook, Internet;
  • conoscenze linguistiche: Lingua inglese livello minimo B1

Completano il profilo:

  • iniziativa e proattività commerciale;
  • attitudine al team working;
  • capacità di problem solving e autonomia operativa;
  • ottime capacità di relazionarsi a tutti i livelli con gli interlocutori interni ed esterni all’azienda;
  • forte orientamento al raggiungimento degli obiettivi assegnati nel rispetto di un approccio etico alla gestione di rapporti commerciali;
  • spinta al progressivo accrescimento del proprio bagaglio tecnico espressa anche attraverso la ricerca di fonti qualificate di informazione ed il costante confronto con i Key Opinion Leaders di settore;
  • disponibilità ad una costante mobilità in relazione alla visita dei presidi ospedalieri delle aree assegnate.

Residenza : Preferibilmente Firenze

Responsabilità Territoriale: Regione Toscana

2) Field Product Specialist – France, Benelux, Spain, Portugal, Greece (Native or Advanced French/Spanish Speaker)


  • Collaborate closely with local distributors to effectively present and promote our products through training sessions.
  • Coordinate departmental meetings (doctors, nurses, pharmacists) in partnership with local distributors to provide training, promote products, and ensure updates on company offerings.
  • Offer on-site support in operating rooms to ensure optimal performance of our products.
  • Drive the promotion and coordination of distributors sales force activities.
  • Attend local or International congresses, workshop, hands-on workshop within the area.
  • Collaborate with sales management to set and achieve ambitious targets, contributing to the overall growth and success of the company.


  • Previous experience in technical-commercial roles or as a Product Specialist within the medical device industry.
  • Strong familiarity with departments such as General Surgery, Interventional Radiology, Digestive Endoscopy, Thoracic Surgery, and Urology in public hospital settings is highly advantageous.
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Sciences, Biology and Biomedical Applications, Biomedical Engineering, Short Degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, or Nursing Sciences.
  • Advanced proficiency in Microsoft Office suite (Word, Excel), Outlook, and Internet applications.
  • Native or Advanced French and Spanish Speaker. Excellent command of English language.

Additional Profile Attributes:

  • Demonstrated commercial initiative and proactive approach.
  • Strong teamwork orientation.
  • Effective problem-solving abilities and operational autonomy.
  • Exceptional interpersonal skills for engaging with stakeholders internally and externally.
  • Dedication to achieving objectives while maintaining ethical standards in commercial relationships.
  • Continuous improvement mindset, actively seeking qualified sources of information and engaging with industry key opinion leaders.
  • Willingness to reside in the area or travel extensively for visits to assigned distributors and hospital facilities.

3) Product Specialist – Central Europe (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Poland)

For Native or Advanced German Speaker only


  • Collaborate closely with local distributors to effectively present and promote our products through training sessions.
  • Coordinate departmental meetings (doctors, nurses, pharmacists) in partnership with local distributors to provide training, promote products, and ensure updates on company offerings.
  • Offer on-site support in operating rooms to ensure optimal performance of our products.
  • Drive the promotion and coordination of distributors sales force activities.
  • Attend local or International congresses, workshop, hands-on workshop within the area.
  • Collaborate with sales management to set and achieve ambitious targets, contributing to the overall growth and success of the company.


  • Previous experience in technical-commercial roles or as a Product Specialist within the medical device industry.
  • Strong familiarity with departments such as General Surgery, Interventional Radiology, Digestive Endoscopy, Thoracic Surgery, and Urology in public hospital settings is highly advantageous.
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Sciences, Biology and Biomedical Applications, Biomedical Engineering, Short Degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, or Nursing Sciences.
  • Advanced proficiency in Microsoft Office suite (Word, Excel), Outlook, and Internet applications.
  • Native or Advanced German speaker with excellent command of the English language.

Additional Profile Attributes:

  • Demonstrated commercial initiative and proactive approach.
  • Strong teamwork orientation.
  • Effective problem-solving abilities and operational autonomy.
  • Exceptional interpersonal skills for engaging with stakeholders internally and externally.
  • Dedication to achieving objectives while maintaining ethical standards in commercial relationships.
  • Continuous improvement mindset, actively seeking qualified sources of information and engaging with industry key opinion leaders.
  • Willingness to reside in the area or travel extensively for visits to assigned distributors and hospital facilities.

4) Product Specialist – Northern Europe (UK, Ireland, Scandinavia, Benelux, Baltic states)


  • Collaborate closely with local distributors to effectively present and promote our products through training sessions.
  • Coordinate departmental meetings (doctors, nurses, pharmacists) in partnership with local distributors to provide training, promote products, and ensure updates on company offerings.
  • Offer on-site support in operating rooms to ensure optimal performance of our products.
  • Drive the promotion and coordination of distributors sales force activities.
  • Attend local or International congresses, workshop, hands-on workshop within the area.
  • Collaborate with sales management to set and achieve ambitious targets, contributing to the overall growth and success of the company.


  • Previous experience as Product Specialist within the medical device industry.
  • Strong familiarity with departments such as General Surgery, Interventional Radiology, Digestive Endoscopy, Thoracic Surgery, and Urology is highly advantageous.
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Sciences, Biology and Biomedical Applications, Biomedical Engineering, Short Degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, or Nursing Sciences.
  • Advanced proficiency in Microsoft Office suite (Word, Excel), Outlook, and Internet applications.
  • Excellent command of the English language; native English is a strong plus

Additional Profile Attributes:

  • Demonstrated commercial initiative and proactive approach.
  • Strong teamwork orientation.
  • Effective problem-solving abilities and operational autonomy.
  • Exceptional interpersonal skills for engaging with stakeholders internally and externally.
  • Dedication to achieving objectives while maintaining ethical standards in commercial relationships.
  • Continuous improvement mindset, actively seeking qualified sources of information and engaging with industry key opinion leaders.
  • Willingness to reside in the area or travel extensively for visits to assigned distributors and hospital facilities.
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