Paediatric surgery


C. Esposito
L’utilisasion d’une Nouvelle Colle Chirurgicale en Chirurgie Laparoscopique: quels advantages
Le journal de Coelio Chirurgie (1997) ; 66-68.
C. Esposito, R. Damiano, A. Settimi, M. De Marco, P. Maglio, A. Centone
Experience with the use of tissue adhesives in pediatric endoscopy surgery
Surg. Endosco 2004; 18:290-292
H. Ozturk, K.Karaaslan, H.Kocoglu
Use of Glubran 2 surgical glue in circumcision. Results in a comfortable postoperative period
Adv. Clin. Exp. Med 2009, 18, 4, 381-384
Seyed Mohammad Vahid Hosseini, Ali Bahador, Hamid Reza Foroutan, Babak Sabet, Bita Geramizadeh, Mohammad Zarenezhad
The Application of a New Cyanoacrylate Glue in Pediatric Surgery for Fistula Closure
IJMS - Vol 36, No 1, March 2011
Seyed Mohammad Vahid Hosseini, Ahmad Reza Rasekhi, Mohammad Zarenezhad, Arya Hedjazi
Cyanoacrylate glue dressing for hypospadias surgery
North American Journal of Medical Sciences, July 2012, Vol 4, Issue 7


As a suture in the treatment of phimosis, circumcision and frenulotomy
As a reinforcement and sealant of the suture line to prevent the formation of various types of fistulas
Aerostasis of parenchymal tissue after laparoscopic lung biopsy
Sealing of surgical sutures to prevent extravasation of urine after packing of anastomoses in urological disorders
As an adhesive in laparoscopic closure of the peritoneal-vaginal canal in congenital inguinal hernias
Sealing of anastomoses in the reconstruction of biliary paths
Sealing and reinforcement of digestive anastomosis after intestinal resection
Haemostasis of liver bed after cholecystectomy
Gluing, repair and haemostasis of parenchymal tissue on lacerations or haemorrhagic lesions of the liver, kidney, pancreas, spleen
Haemostasis on lines of the hepatic section
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