Thoracic surgery


J. M. Gimferrer, M. Serra, M. Iglesias, M. Rubio, J. Belda
Case report. Video-Assited direct closure of bronchial fistola
J. Laparoendscopic & advanced Surgical techniques 2003; 13 (2): 121-122
L. Masetti
L’Effetto emostatico/aerostatico della colla chirurgica Glubran2 su parenchima polmonare suino
Dipartimento Clinico Veterinario Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna (31/3/2008)
F.Davoli, F.Sellitri, J. Brandolini, G.Dolci, A. Castagnoli, B.Bedetti, F. Stella
Use of coagulant spray glue (Glubran 2) for aerostatic purposes in pulmonary parenchymaresections in pigs: a preliminary study
Eur Surg Res 2009; 43:360–364
Cayo García-Polo, MD, Antonio León-Jiménez, MD, Jose Luis López-Campos, MD, Aurelio Arnedillo, MD, Enrique González-Moya, MD, Juan José Fernández-Berni, MD, and Juan Manuel Gómez, MD
Endoscopic sealing of bronchopleural fistulas with submucosal injection of a tissue expander: A novel technique
Can Respir J. 2010 Jan-Feb; 17(1): e23–e24.
Lucernoni P., Durigato A., Nizzetto M., Oliboni G., Pavanello M., Santelli G., DI Falco G
A complex case of sarcoidosis


Sealing of bronchial and bronchopleural fistulas
Haemostasis on oozing hemorrages after detachments and dissections, i.e. decortications, plural cavities obliterated by adhesions, tumours and mediastinal masses
Sealing and reinforcement of suture after tracheal resection
Sealing and reinforcement of manual and/or mechanical suture in pulmonary resections, lobectomies, pneumonectomies, bullectomies, reductions of volume, tracheo-bronchial resections in order to obtain immediate aerostasis and greater mechanical seal
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